I have so many questions about this week’s chapters (22 and 23) and Egwene’s trips through the arched ter’angreal. Most prominent is the same question that Nynaeve and Egwene asked Sheriam, the question everyone apparently asks: Is what happens when you’re inside real, and in what way? I don’t believe that it is literally real, like a visit to an alternate reality or anything like that, but Egwene’s experiences, especially the third time through, have a much more prophetic nature than Nynaeve’s. But perhaps that is just coincidence, since Nynaeve saw a version of the future that could not possibly be real, given that we know Malkier is gone, but the threat of Rand being caught and gentled is a serious one that both Egwene and the reader are deeply concerned with.
As soon as Egwene has left Verin’s office she’s confronted by Sheriam, who has been looking for her. She asks Egwene about the papers, but doesn’t seem overly interested and accepts Egwene’s deflecting answer that it’s things Verin wants her to study. But Egwene’s relief is short lived as Sheriam informs her that it is time for her Accepted Trials. Egwene is surprised that it’s so soon and protests that she is half asleep and dirty, that she hoped she had more time to prepare, but Sheriam answers, as she hustles Egwene down flights of stairs, that Egwene already knows everything she needs to know, and more than Nynaeve did, and that the hour waits on no woman.
“I listened to the lectures,” Egwene protested, “and I remember them, but… can’t I have a night’s sleep first?” The winding ramp seemed to have no end.
“The Amyrlin Seat decided there was no point in waiting.” Sheriam gave Egwene a sidelong smile. “Her exact words were, ‘Once you decide to gut a fish, there’s no use waiting till it rots.’ Elayne has already been through the arches by this time, and the Amyrlin means you to go through tonight as well. Not that I can see the point of such a hurry,” she added, half to herself, “but when the Amyrlin commands, we obey.”
Egwene let herself be pulled down the ramp in silence, a knot forming in her belly. Nynaeve had been far from forthcoming about what had happened when she was raised to the Accepted. She would not speak of it at all, except for a grimaced ‘I hate Aes Sedai!’ Egwene was trembling by the time the ramp finally ended at a broad hallway, far below the Tower in the rock of the island.”
Sheriam takes Egwene through a huge set of doors into a great domed chamber, where a group of Aes Sedai are waiting around the three silver arches, the glow in the arches echoing the glow of saidar that Egwene can see around them. Elaida is there as well, grousing about how long they’ve been waiting. She complains that Egwene should not be given the opportunity to take the trial at all, but Sheriam reminds her that Elaida didn’t say the same about Elayne, and demanded to be part of this because of Elayne. She therefore must do her part for Egwene as well. Elaida grouses that if it must be done, then they should just give Egwene her chance to refuse and be done with it.
“I won’t refuse.” Egwene’s voice quavered, but she steadied it and held her head high. “I want to go on.”
Sheriam explains the rest of the rules to Egwene, how once she begins she must go through all three arches, and that while she has three opportunities to refuse before starting, any mid-way refusal to finish will result in her being put out of the Tower. She also explains the danger of the test, how some women have never come out again. This is Egwene’s last chance to refuse and still be granted another two chances to take the test, but if she falters or fails during the test… Sheriam leaves the rest unspoken.
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The Dragon Reborn
Egwene is frightened by the realization that she might not come out again, but she reminds herself how much she wants to be an Aes Sedai, and accepts. When she’s undressing, however, she realizes that leaving the papers and the ring means that anyone could pick them up and go through them while she is inside the arches. But she has already accepted and so has lost her chance to refuse and put the things away safely in her room. Sheriam sees her hesitation and asks if she is going to refuse now, knowing what it will mean, and Egwene quickly reassures her, leaving the papers and pouch beneath her clothes and hoping for the best.
Beside the ter’angreal, Alanna suddenly spoke. “There is some sort of—resonance.” She never took her eyes from the arches. “An echo, almost. I do not know from where.”
“Is there a problem?” Sheriam asked sharply. She sounded surprised, too. “I will not send a woman in there if there is any problem.”
Egwene looked yearningly at her piled clothes. Please, yes, Light, a problem. Something that will let me hide those papers without refusing to enter.“No,” Alanna said. “It is like having a biteme buzz ’round your head when you’re trying to think, but it does not interfere. I would not have mentioned it, only it has never happened before that I ever heard.” She shook her head. “It is gone now.”
“Perhaps,” Elaida said dryly, “others thought such a small thing was not worth mentioning.”
“Let us go on.” Sheriam’s tone would not put up with any more distractions. “Come.”
She and Egwene step up to the arches, Elaida intoning the ritualistic words. Before Egwene enters the first arch, Sheriam tells her “The first time is for what was. The way back will come but once. Be steadfast.”
And then Egwene steps into the arch and the light swallows her.
She finds herself sitting rocking a baby as Rand tells her about odd news that has come down to the Two Rivers from Baerlon. She recognizes the child as her daughter, and Rand as her husband, and is struck momentarily with wonder, the words “The way back will come but once. Be steadfast,” echoing in her mind.
The moment of wonder passed, and the only thing to wonder about was why she had thought anything seemed out of round. Of course Rand was her husband—her handsome, loving husband—and Joiya was her daughter—the most beautiful, sweetest little girl in the Two Rivers. Tam, Rand’s father, was out with the sheep, supposedly so Rand could work on the barn but really so he could have more time to play with Joiya. This afternoon Egwene’s mother and father would come out from the village. And probably Nynaeve, to see if motherhood was interfering with Egwene’s studies to replace Nynaeve as Wisdom one day.
She asks what kind of news, and has to repeat the question as Rand has once again become too distracted by his baby daughter to pay attention to what people are saying to him. Once he hears her, he answers that there is some big war taking up most of the world, according to Jaim Dawtry, fighting some group called the Shawkin, or the Sanchan, or something like that. He has never heard of them before.
For a moment, Egwene thinks she has, and Rand catches the look on her face, reassuring her that war never reaches as far as the Two Rivers. But Jaim claimed that these people use Aes Sedai in battle, and yet kill any that they find, even offering rewards to have them turned over. It makes no sense to Rand, but he supposes it has nothing to do with them.
She notices that Rand is holding his head, and she is worried about Rand’s increasingly frequent and increasingly painful headaches. Not only are they getting worse, but Egwene has noticed strange happenings that coincide with Rand’s headaches, things like lightning from a clear sky, surprise storms that Nynaeve never heard coming when she listened to the wind, and wildfires. Egwene is afraid to consider what that might mean, but she’s also aware of her own secret, how sometimes she has been able to cure someone when even Nynaeve could not, without ever knowing how she had done it. If she can figure out what it is she managed to do for those people, perhaps she can do the same to help Rand.
She stands, intending to try, when suddenly, through the open door of their home, she can see a silver arch filled with white light. She hears the words again, and finds herself stepping towards the door.
She halted, looked back at Joiya gurgling in her cradle, at Rand still pressing hand to his head and looking at her as if wondering where she was going. “No,” she said. “No, this is what I want. This is what I want! Why can’t I have this, too?” She did not understand her own words. Of course, this was what she wanted, and she had it.
“What is it you want, Egwene?” Rand asked. “If it’s anything I can get, you know I will. If I can’t get it, I’ll make it.”
The way back will come but once. Be steadfast.
She took another step, into the doorway. The silver arch beckoned her. Something waited on the other side. Something she wanted more than anything else in the world. Something she had to do.
Rand starts to speak again, but then suddenly crumples to the floor, holding his head. He cries out to the Light, that it hurts worse than ever, and then calls out to her. Egwene hesitates, but the thing she knows she must do pulls her towards the arch, despite the sound of her Joiya laughing, despite Rand’s groans turning to screams. She sees Tam running from out in the fields, coming to help Rand, but she know he can’t do anything. But she could.
She steps into the light.
Memory returns to Egwene as she steps out of the archway, sobbing. Elaida pours the chalice of water over her head, pronouncing that she is washed clean of her sins, and those committed against her, of what crime she may have committed and those that were committed against her. But Egwene wonders, as the water drips down and mingles with her tears, if mere water could wash away what she just did.
She tells Sheriam that her name was Joiya, and that nothing could be worth what Egwene just gave up. She asks if it was real, wondering if she left her baby, left Rand to die. Sheriam answers that there is a price to becoming Aes Sedai, and that no one knows for sure if the experiences inside the ter’angreal are real or not, although every one Sheriam has seen come out of the arches has asked the same question.
“It has been speculated that perhaps some of those who do not come back chose to stay because they found a happier place, and lived out their lives there.” Her voice hardened. “If it is real, and they stayed from choice, then I hope the lives they live are far from happy. I have no sympathy for any who run from their responsibilities.” The edge on her tone softened slightly. “Myself, I believe it is not real. But the danger is. Remember that.” She stopped in front of the next glow-filled arch. “Are you ready?”
Egwene nods, and Sheriam tells her that the second is for what is, reminding her again that the way back will come but once, and to be steadfast. As Egwene steps into the second arch, she thinks that nothing could possibly be worse than what she has already experienced.
She stared down at her dress, blue silk sewn with pearls, all dusty and torn. Her head came up, and she took in the ruins of a great palace around her. The Royal Palace of Andor, in Caemlyn. She knew that, and wanted to scream.
The way back will come but once. Be steadfast.
The world was not the way she wanted it, no way that she could think of without wanting to cry, but all her tears had been cried away long ago, and the world was as it was. Ruin was what she expected to see.
Careless of her dress but extremely careful not to make a sound, she climbs up a pile of rubble to peer into the streets, spotting men and Trollocs patrolling, and a Myrddraal overseeing them, shouting orders to “Hunt” and “Find him!”
Careful not to be seen, Egwene climbs back down, that whisper about the way back coming again as she does. She hurries into the ruined palace, climbing over fallen timbers and walls, ignoring the bodies, even when she steps on an arm whose finger wears a great serpent ring. Eventually she comes to a room where she finds Rand, a heavy beam across his waist, pinned down by it as well as the stone blocks that have come down from the ceiling. He opens his eyes as she draws near.
“You came back.” He forced the words out in a hoarse rasp. “I was afraid—No matter. You have to help me.”
She sank wearily to the floor. “I could lift that beam easily with Air, but as soon as it moves, everything else will come down on top of you. On top of both of us. I cannot manage all of it, Rand.”
His laugh was bitter and painful, and cut off almost as soon as it began. Fresh sweat glistened on his face, and he spoke with an effort. “I could shift the beam myself. You know that. I could shift that and the stones above, all of them. But I have to let go of myself to do it, and I can’t trust that. I cannot trust—” He stopped, wheezing for breath.
“I do not understand,” she said slowly. “Let go of yourself? What can’t you trust?” The way back will come but once. Be steadfast. She rubbed her hands roughly over her ears.
Rand explains that he is holding the madness at bay, that letting down his guard even slightly will allow the madness to take him. And then he won’t care what he does. She has to help him. Egwene asks how she could, and he indicates a dagger, lying just out of his reach, and asks her to kill him.
Egwene refuses, horrified, and Rand strains to reach the dagger himself until she kicks it away, demanding to know why he would ask such a thing of her. Rand tells her that if the Myrddraal capture him they can turn him to the Shadow, that if the madness takes him he can’t fight them, that he won’t know what they are doing until it is too late. Again he begs Egwene to kill him, but she can’t.
The arch appears, and Egwene turns towards it as Rand continues to beg for her to help him. She whispers an apology, that she’s sorry but she just can’t, and steps through.
On the other side of the arch Elaida pours more water over her head and tells her that she is washed clean of false pride and false ambition, and that she comes to them washed clean in body and soul. Sheriam takes her hands to lead her to the final arch, promising that there is only one more, and then she can rest.
“He said they could turn him to the Shadow,” Egwene mumbled. “He said the Myrddraal and the Dreadlords could force him.”
Sheriam missed a step, and looked around quickly. Elaida was almost back to the table. The Aes Sedai surrounding the ter’angreal stared at it, seeming lost to anything else. “An unpleasant thing to talk of, child,” Sheriam said finally, and softly. “Come. One more.”
“Can they?” Egwene insisted.
“Custom,” Sheriam said, “is not to speak of what happens within the ter’angreal. A woman’s fears are her own.”
“Can they?”
Sheriam drops her voice, and hastily explains that few people know this truth, even in the Tower, and that Egwene herself should not learn it either. But there is a weakness inherent in being able to channel, a weakness that comes from opening themselves to the True Source. They can also be opened to other things. But this has not been done, as far as Sheriam knows, since the Trolloc wars, and it took Darkfriends who could channel weaving the flows through thirteen Myrddraal even to do it. She impresses upon Egwene the need to keep this secret, since if it were commonly known that a channeler could be turned, no one would ever trust them. And no one but a channeler can be affected this way.
“Thirteen,” Egwene said in a tiny voice. “The same number who left the Tower. Liandrin, and twelve more.”
Sheriam’s face hardened. “That is nothing for you to dwell on. You will forget it.” Her voice climbed to a normal volume. “The third time is for what will be. The way back will come but once. Be steadfast.”
Egwene stared at the glowing arch, stared at some far distance beyond it. Liandrin and twelve others. Thirteen Darkfriends who can channel. Light help us all. She stepped into the light. It filled her. It shone through her. It burned her to the bone, seared her to the soul. She flashed incandescent in the light. Light help me! There was nothing but the light. And the pain.
Egwene finds herself looking into a mirror and is surprised both by the Aes Sedai agelessness in her face and the stole of the Amyrlin Seat around her neck. She hears the words about the way back, and also the number thirteen sounding in her head, and is aware that something is very wrong.
Another Aes Sedai appears at Egwene’s elbow, and Egwene has to think for a moment before finding a name to fit the face. Her name is Beldeine, and Egwene is certain both that she has never seen the woman before and also that she knows her terribly well. Beldeine is wearing a green stole, and because Egwene knows that the Keeper and the Amyrlin are always raised from the same Ajah, she knows that she herself must be of the Green as well. But she is shaken by the fact that she needs to reason out her own past.
The way back will come bu… The voice in her head trailed away to finish in a buzz.
Thirteen Darkfriends.
“I am well, Beldeine,” Egwene said. The name felt strange on her tongue; it felt as if she had been saying it for years. “We mustn’t keep them waiting.” Keep who waiting? She did not know, except that she felt infinitely sad about ending that wait, endlessly reluctant.
Beldeine agrees that “they” will be growing impatient, and Egwene allows her Keeper to lead her down the corridors, inwardly trying to puzzle out what is wrong with her memory, why she’s half-convinced that she’s still a novice.
The way back will come but on—This time it ended abruptly.
Thirteen of the Black Ajah.
She stumbled at that. It was a frightening thought, but it chilled her to the marrow beyond fear. It felt—personal. She wanted to scream, to run and hide. She felt as if they were after her. Nonsense. The Black Ajah has been destroyed. That seemed an odd thought, too. Part of her remembered something called the Great Purge. Part of her was sure no such thing had happened.
Eyes fixed ahead, Beldeine had not noticed her stumble. Egwene had to lengthen her stride to catch up. This woman is scared to her toenails. What in the Light is she taking me to?
They arrive in a large, circular domed room, the floor decorated with the Flame of Tar Valon and spirals in the colors of the seven Ajahs. It’s the Hall of the Tower, and all the sitters for the Ajahs—twenty one of them, seated in groups of threes according to their Ajahs—rise when Beldeine announces Egwene’s arrival. She feels both that she has been in that room thousands of times, but also afraid that the women will see something about her, about how she does not belong.
The way back will come but—
The way back will—
The way—
The Black Ajah waits. That, at least, was whole. It came from everywhere. Why did no one else seem to hear it?
Egwene sits in her seat, but has no idea what she is supposed to do next. Everyone appears to be waiting on her, so at least she says “Begin,” and that seems to be enough. One of the red sitters stands, and Egwene recognizes Elaida. Elaida commands someone to be brought in, and a group of Aes Sedai enter, surrounding two burly guards and a man in chains. Egwene recognizes him. Rand.
Elaida announces that the man before them has named himself the Dragon Reborn, that he has channeled the One Power. There is only one punishment for that, recognized everywhere in the world but pronounced in only one place, here in the White Tower. She calls on the Amyrlin Seat to pronounce the sentence of gentling. She watches Egwene, who frantically tries to think of what to do, and then asks why Egwene is hesitating to do what has been set down for three thousand years.
A green sister gets to her feet, demanding that Elaida show respect for the Amyrlin, but Elaida responds that respect can be lost as well as won. She asks if Egwene will finally show her weakness, her unfitness for her office, if she will fail to pronounce the sentence. Egwene watches Rand try and fail to lift his head, her mind spinning as she tries to remember that she is the Amyrlin Seat, that she has the power to command everyone in that room. But she is also sure she is a novice, that she doesn’t belong in this place, that something is terribly wrong.
She cries out that she cannot, that she will not, and Elaida shouts to the others that Egwene has condemned herself, calling for them to take her. Beldeine moves up beside Egwene and strikes her in the head with the Keeper’s staff, and Egwene falls into unconsciousness.
When she wakes up she’s first aware of pain in her head, then aware of voices, assuring each other that she will be dealt with before she knows what is happening to her. The voices move away and she realizes that she is naked and lying on a rough table in some storeroom somewhere. There is a group of Aes Sedai in the room as well; thirteen of them.
When Egwene realizes there is also a group of Myrddraal in the room, she knows instantly what is happening, and she screams in terror even as she reaches for saidar. She catches them all by surprise, and the other Aes Sedai are unable to stop her from reaching saidar as the Myrddraal grab at her arms and legs. The Power fills her and the Myrddraal burst into flame as chunks of the wall whip free and tear through the room, colliding with bodies. The air whips into a whirlwind.
As Egwene gets up and staggers towards the door, one Aes Sedai looms up in front of her. Egwene recognizes her as Gyldan, a close confidant of Elaida’s. The other woman is surrounded by the glow of channeling, but Egwene doesn’t use air or stone to fight Gyldan. Instead she punches her right in the face, and Gyldan crumples to the ground.
Rubbing her knuckles, Egwene staggered out into the hall. Thank you, Perrin, she thought, for showing me how to do that. But you didn’t tell me how much it hurts when you do.
Shoving the door shut against the wind, she channeled. Stones around the doorway shivered, cracked, settled against the wood. It would not hold them for long, but anything that slowed pursuit for even a minute was worth doing. Minutes might mean life. Gathering her strength, she forced herself to break into a run. It wobbled, but at least it was a run.
Knowing that her captors would think to search for her first in her rooms, Egwene heads instead to the Amyrlin’s study, where she knows she has spare clothes. She doesn’t see anyone in the hallways or at all until she reaches the inner chamber of her study, where she finds Beldeine, sitting with her head in her hands and crying.
Egwene stopped warily, as Beldeine raised reddened eyes to meet hers. No glow of saidar surrounded the Keeper, but Egwene was still cautious. And confident. She could not see her own glow, of course, but the power—the Power—surging through her was enough. Especially when added to her secret.
Beldeine scrubbed a hand across tearstained cheeks. “I had to. You must understand. I had to. They… They… ” She took a deep, shuddering breath; it all came out in a rush. “Three nights ago they took me while I slept and stilled me.” Her voice rose to a near shriek. “They stilled me! I cannot channel any longer!”
“Light,” Egwene breathed. The rush of saidar cushioned her against the shock. “The Light help and comfort you, my daughter. Why didn’t you tell me? I would have…” She let it trail away, knowing there was nothing she could do.
Beldeine says the same thing, that there was nothing Egwene could do. But her captors told her they could give her ability to channel back again, through the power of the Dark One, and hurt her. She mentions Elaida, confirming Egwene’s suspicions that Elaida is Black Ajah. Finding her spare dress she pulls it on as Beldeine admits that Rand has been taken to the Traitor’s Court.
Shivers assaulted Egwene. Shivers of fear. Shivers of rage. Elaida had not waited, not even an hour. The Traitor’s Court was used for only three purposes: executions, the stilling of an Aes Sedai, or the gentling of a man who could channel. But all of the three took an order from the Amyrlin Seat. So who wears the stole out there? Elaida, she was sure. But how could she make them accept her so quickly, with me not tried, not sentenced? There cannot be another Amyrlin until I’ve been stripped of stole and staff. And they’ll not find that easy to do. Light! Rand! She started for the door.
“What can you do, Mother?” Beldeine cried. “What can you do?” It was not clear whether she meant for Rand or for herself.
“More than anyone suspects,” Egwene said. “I never held the Oath Rod, Beldeine.” Beldeine’s gasp followed her from the room.
Although Egwene’s memory is still giving her trouble, although she can’t remember how she got out of swearing the Three Oaths, she knows that she somehow got out of something that is required of every single woman who becomes a full Aes Sedai. As she runs down the empty hallway, she tries to think through her options, knowing that every Aes Sedai, Accepted, novice and even the servants would be gathered in the Traitor’s Court, while a ring of Warders stood guard preventing anyone from mounting a rescue for the condemned man. If Elaida was wearing the Amyrlin’s stole, there was a good chance the Warders would not admit Egwene to the Court, and while she thinks she might be able to fight through them, it would take too long. Rand could easily be gentled in the time it took her to subdue the Warders. She could attack them with balefire and tear the ground beneath their feet, but Egwene knows that there is no point in breaking Tar Valon’s Power to save Rand. She need to protect them both.
Instead of going all the way to the Traitor’s Court, she turns aside and climbs a tower up to its roof, climbing out onto the almost-white tiles and peering across other rooftops to the wide expanse of the Traitor’s Court. Even at this distance she can see the twelve woman surrounding the lone, chained figure of Rand, a thirteenth standing before him. Egwene can’t see the striped stole from this distance, but she knows it’s Elaida standing as the Amyrlin.
The words she must be saying crept into Egwene’s head.
This man, abandoned of the Light, has touched saidin, the male half of the True Source. Thus do we hold him. Most abominably has this man channeled the One Power, knowing that saidin is tainted by the Dark One, tainted for men’s pride, tainted for men’s sin. Thus do we chain him.
Forcefully, Egwene pushed the rest of it out of her thoughts. Thirteen Aes Sedai. Twelve sisters and the Amyrlin, the traditional number for gentling. The same number as for… She rid herself of that, too. She had no time for anything but what she was there to do. If she could only manage to reason out how.
Egwene thinks that she might be able to lift Rand with Air, even from this distance, taking him right out of the circle of Aes Sedai and carrying him to her over the rooftops. But even if she proved strong enough, Rand would be a helpless target for archers or Aes Sedai and anyone else. Like Myrddraal.
But Egwene can’t think of another way, so she prepares to do it, gathering the Power to her. Suddenly she hears the words: The way back will come but once. Be steadfast.
Startled, she nearly falls of the roof, but manages to catch herself. Then she looks over her shoulder.
There on the tower top, tilted to sit flat against the sloping tiles, was a silver arch filled with a glowing light. The arch flickered and wavered; streaks of angry red and yellow darted through the white light.
The way back will come but once. Be steadfast.
The archway thinned to transparency, grew solid again.
Frantic, Egwene gazed toward the Traitor’s Court. There had to be time. There had to be. All she needed was a few minutes, perhaps ten, and luck.
Voices bored into her head, not the disembodied, unknowable voice that warned her to be steadfast, but women’s voices she almost believed she knew.
—can’t hold much longer. If she does not come out now—
Hold! Hold, burn you, or I’ll gut you all like sturgeons!
—going wild, Mother! We can’t—
The voices faded to a drone, the drone to silence, but the unknowable spoke again.
The way back will come but once. Be steadfast.
There is a price to be Aes Sedai.
The Black Ajah waits.
With a scream of rage, of loss, Egwene threw herself at the arch as it shimmered like a heat haze. She almost wished she would miss and plunge to her death.
Light plucked her apart fiber by fiber, sliced the fibers to hairs, split the hairs to wisps of nothing. All drifted apart on the light. Forever.
When Egwene emerges from the arch she is full of anger, and she clings to her cold rage to shield her from the memory of what she experienced. She demands aloud if this is all there is for her, to abandon him again and again, when suddenly she realizes that something is off. The Amyrlin is there, as Egwene had been told she would be, as well as one shawled sister for each Ajah. But they are all staring at her, and there are two Aes Sedai rather than one sitting before each arch, their faces showing sweat and exertion as the ter’angreal hums and its white light is streaked through again and again by angry shots of color.
Sheriam places a hand on Egwene’s head, sending a chill through her, and then announces that Egwene is unharmed. She sounds surprised. Elaida scurries to grab the last chalice as the ter’angreal slowly begins to grow quiet, but the Aes Sedai sitting around it look like they are fighting it every step of the way.
Egwene tries to ask what happened but Sheriam hushes her as Elaida comes back, practically running, to hand the last chalice to the Amyrlin. Egwene kneels as the Amyrlin pours the water over her.
… “You are washed clean of Egwene al’Vere from Emond’s Field. You are washed clean of all ties that bind you to the world. You come to us washed clean, in heart and soul. You are Egwene al’Vere, Accepted of the White Tower.” The last drop splashed onto Egwene’s hair. “You are sealed to us, now.”
The last words seemed to have a special meaning, just between Egwene and the Amyrlin. The Amyrlin thrust the chalice at one of the other Aes Sedai and produced a gold ring in the shape of a serpent biting its own tail. Despite herself, Egwene trembled as she raised her left hand, trembled again as the Amyrlin slipped the Great Serpent ring onto the third finger. When she became Aes Sedai, she could wear the ring on the finger she chose, or not at all if it was necessary to hide who she was, but the Accepted wore it there.
She pulls Egwene to her feet and bids her welcome, and Egwene is struck by being called “daughter” rather than “child,” as she always was before. Then the Amyrlin instructs Sheriam to get Egwene dry and dressed and to make sure that she is fine before striding away to join the other Aes Sedai clustered around the now quiescent ter’angreal. Sheriam remarks that the Mother is worried about Egwene, but doesn’t answer when Egwene asks how much reason the Amyrlin has for concern.
Egwene is given a new Accepted dress, with the bands of the Ajahs around its hem, and she is disappointed that, despite the significance of dress and ring, she doesn’t feel any different. Then Elaida brings over the rest of her things, her old dress and the papers and her pouch, and Egwene has to be careful not to react or snatch the things away. She thanks Elaida and tries to surreptitiously examine her things, but there is no way to tell if anyone read the papers or looked in the pouch. At least the ring is still there. She thinks for a moment she would have been glad if Elaida had taken it, but knows that isn’t really true.
Elaida’s face was as cold as her voice. “I did not want you to be brought forward tonight. Not because I feared what happened; no one could foresee that. But because of what you are. A wilder.” Egwene tried to protest, but Elaida kept on, as implacable as a mountain glacier. “Oh, I know you learned to channel under Aes Sedai teaching, but you are still a wilder. A wilder in spirit, a wilder in ways. You have vast potential, else you would never have survived in there tonight, but potential changes nothing. I do not believe you will ever be part of the White Tower, not in the way the rest of us are, no matter on which finger you wear your ring. It would have been better for you had you settled for learning enough to stay alive, and gone back to your sleepy village. Far better.” Turning on her heel, she stalked away, out of the chamber.
If she isn’t Black Ajah, Egwene thought sourly, she’s the next thing to it. Aloud, she muttered to Sheriam, “You could have said something. You could have helped me.”
“I would have helped a novice, child,” Sheriam replied calmly, and Egwene winced. She was back to “child” again. “I try to protect novices where they need it, since they cannot protect themselves. You are Accepted, now. It is time for you to learn to protect yourself.”
Egwene wonders if she imagined a special emphasis on that last sentence, suspicious now of Sheriam, who could have gone through the papers just as easily as Elaida. Perhaps she saw the list of names as decided that Egwene was mixed up with the Black Ajah. Egwene tells herself she’s being suspicious of everyone, but that it’s better to be suspicious than dead, or captured by thirteen of them.
Egwene asks again what happened while she was in the ter’angreal, and Sheriam admits that she doesn’t know what happened, but that she very much fears that Egwene nearly died. Allana joins them, then, remarking that no one knows what happens to those who do not come out of a ter’angreal. She apologizes to Egwene, then, explaining that the reverberation that she felt before Egwene went into the first arch returned a ten thousandfold, as though the ter’angreal were trying to shut itself off or melt through the floor. She is so contrite, feeling that she did not do her job in stopping the proceedings the first time, that she declares her intention to share Egwene’s punishments, both the kitchen work and the visit to Sheriam’s study.
Sheriam is scandalized, pointing out that an Aes Sedai doing kitchen work, never mind the other thing, is unheard of, and that the Amyrlin would never allow it. Egwene, however, is more concerned with Alanna having some kind of secret agenda, perhaps acting so contrite to cover the fact that she has something to do with the problem, or because she has some reason to want to keep a special eye on Egwene.
“Had I done as I should,” Alanna maintained, “it would never have happened. The only time I have ever seen anything like it was once years ago when we tried to use a ter’angreal in the same room with another that may have been in some way related to it. It is extremely rare to find two such as that. The pair of them melted, and every sister within a hundred paces had such a headache for a week that she couldn’t channel a spark. What’s the matter, child?”
Egwene’s hand had tightened around her pouch till the twisted stone ring impressed itself on her palm through the thick cloth. Was it warm? Light, I did it myself.
“Nothing, Alanna Sedai. Aes Sedai, you did nothing wrong. You have no reason to share my punishments. None at all. None!”
“A bit vehement,” Sheriam observed, “but true.” Alanna only shook her head.
Hesitantly, Egwene asks what it means to be Green Ajah, prompting amusement from Sheriam and Alanna that she’s only just become an Accepted and is already contemplating which Ajah to choose. Alanna gives her a somewhat flippant reply about needing to love, not be in love with them, but truly caring about them more than the other Ajahs do, even the Blue, who like men as long as they share their causes and don’t get in the way. But when Egwene presses, she offers a more serious reply.
“Browns seek knowledge, Blues meddle in causes, and Whites consider the questions of truth with implacable logic. We all do some of it all, of course. But to be a Green means to stand ready.” A note of pride entered Alanna’s voice. “In the Trolloc Wars, we were often called the Battle Ajah. All Aes Sedai helped where and when they could, but the Green Ajah alone was always with the armies, in almost every battle. We were the counter to the Dreadlords. The Battle Ajah. And now we stand ready, for the Trollocs to come south again, for Tarmon Gai’don, the Last Battle. We will be there. That is what it means to be a Green.”
“Thank you, Aes Sedai,” Egwene said. That is what I was? Or what I will be? Light, I wish I knew if it was real, if it had anything at all to do with here and now.
The Amyrlin arrives and asks how Egwene is, stating that she will find out what happened. Alanna surprises Egwene by asking for exactly what she said she would, and the Amyrlin tells her off for being ridiculous. She does share Alanna’s concern, and gives her permission to take a punishment from Sheriam in private, but she will not allow any Aes Sedai to be put up to public scorn, no matter what she has done. Egwene is tempted for a moment to tell them about the ring, but when she sees Alanna’s relative lack of disappointment in not being able work in the kitchens, she decides that Alanna really was looking for an excuse to be in Egwene’s company. What’s more, Egwene now knows that it was the ring that caused the problem with the arches, so Alanna’s intentions are a different mystery.
Wrapped in thought, Egwene heard a throat cleared, then again, more roughly. Her eyes focused. The Amyrlin was staring right into her, and when she spoke, she bit off each word.
“Since you seem to be asleep standing up, child, I suggest you go to bed.” For one instant her glance flashed to the nearly concealed papers in Egwene’s hands. “You have much work to do tomorrow, and for many days thereafter.” Her eyes held Egwene’s a moment longer, and then she was striding away before any of them could curtsy.
As soon as the Amyrlin steps away, Sheriam rounds on Alanna and tells her off for foolishness, distracting Egwene. But when Sheriam notices her listening she tells Egwene off as well, commanding her not to say a word about any of it and to be in her study at the first bell in the morning. Egwene goes, her head spinning, wondering how the Amyrlin could send them off chasing thirteen Black Ajah when she knows that this is the number needed to turn a channeler.
Not wanting to be alone, she goes instead to Nynaeve’s room, where she finds Elayne with her head in Nynaeve’s lap, weeping. She lifts her head at Egwene’s entrance, crying out that she “just couldn’t be that cruel.” Egwene realizes that the incident with the ter’angreal, the distraction over the papers and the ring, and her suspicions of the Aes Sedai had distracted her somewhat from the pain and grief of her experiences. Now, faced with Elayne’s and safely away from the Aes Sedai, Egwene feels it all come rushing in on her.
… Elayne’s words stripped the buffer away, and what was inside hit Egwene as if the ceiling had collapsed. Rand her husband, and Joiya her baby. Rand pinned and begging her to kill him. Rand chained to be gentled.
Before she was aware of moving, she was on her knees beside Elayne, all the tears that should have fallen earlier coming out in a flood. “I couldn’t help him, Nynaeve,” she sobbed. “I just left him there.”
Nynaeve flinched as if struck, but the next moment her arms were around both Egwene and Elayne, hugging them, rocking them. “Hush,” she crooned softly. “It eases with time. It eases, a little. One day we will make them pay our price. Hush. Hush.”
There are a lot of callbacks here to chapter 13 of The Great Hunt, when Nynaeve went through her Accepted Trials. Just as Nynaeve complained about having to wait and then was being rushed, Egwene is caught by surprise when the Trials are suddenly upon her (this is purposeful on the Aes Sedai’s part, I’m sure) and when she asks for more time, she gets the same answer that Nynaeve did: The hour waits on no woman, and the Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills, when the Wheel wills. But I was also struck by the fact that Egwene has to hide a ring in her pile of clothes, though for a different and more dangerous reason than Nynaeve. Nynaeve’s ring is only important in its significance to her, but it does relate emotionally to her third trip through the arch, while Egwene’s ring has a literal, physical effect on her experience.
As Sheriam points out, Egwene does indeed know much more than Nynaeve did when she took her Accepted trials. Nynaeve had never even heard of ter’angreal before, for one. I remember when Sheriam explained to Nynaeve how there were many ter’angreal in the Tower that were not in use, because no one knew what they did. She told Nynaeve that they do know what this one does, but she also mentioned that the original Aes Sedai who made it might have used it for something different.
At the time I didn’t see too much significance in this. I think the realities of how little the Aes Sedai of Rand’s time know about the relics and spells of the past hadn’t sunk in for me yet—I didn’t understand enough about channeling or the way the Aes Sedai order functioned. Now, however, I realize that Sheriam claiming that they know what the ter’angreal does is not strictly correct. They have figured out how to use it for something, but they don’t know its original purpose, how else it could be used, or even if what happens to a woman while she is inside it is real. That’s kind of a lot, when you think about it.
I don’t believe that what Egwene experiences in the ter’angreal actually happens, but what is really important to me to know is whether or not it is still truth. Is Egwene’s life with Rand and Joiya what would have happened if they hadn’t been found by the Trollocs and Moiraine, and had stayed in the Two Rivers? Or is it merely what Egwene imagines might have happened? Is there some foretold truth in the destruction of Caemlyn and its palace, or is it merely an amalgamation of things that Egwene fears? And what of the future she sees, in which she is the Amyrlin and is forced to decide either to have Rand gentled, or to fight all of the White Tower? Having Rand caught and gentled is something Egwene has feared for some time now, and she is ambitious enough that I could see her imagining becoming the Amyrlin in the heightened dream-state of the ter’angreal.
However, there are a few clues that there is more to these experiences than only Egwene’s imagination and the knowledge she brings with her into the ter’angreal.
Not so much in the first trip. Whether or not what Egwene experiences is exactly what would have happened, it’s all still perfectly plausible. She dreams of a life with Rand, living in that house with Tam and raising a child. This is the life that was, that she could have had, and that she is still letting go of. But she knows who and what Rand is now, and so it makes sense that the headaches and manifestations of his power are also a part of Egwene’s vision. She knows that she would have experienced this, as well as her own blossoming power, even if she had stayed in Emond’s Field. Even the rumors of the Seanchan make their way into this world, and again, it’s not surprising that Egwene is carrying that memory with her.
There is a feeling to this first trip that reminds me very strongly of all the lives Rand experienced while traveling via the Portal Stone. There is that same heavy sense of the burden of the Dragon and of being a channeler that hangs over even the happy life of being married and having a family. Unlike Nynaeve’s first trip through the arch, Egwene doesn’t have to face any fears while in this first world, but she does have to let go of her attachment to Rand, and her attachment to the life she once thought she’d have.
That’s incredibly hard, but it doesn’t technically require facing anything she hasn’t already faced. The second trip, however, presents her with something entirely new, and while it’s possible that her own mind could have come up with the destruction of Caemlyn by Darkfriends and Shadowspawn, the fact that she learns about the ability to turn channelers tells us that there is at least some outside information being brought in by the ter’angreal. Egwene learns more from Rand about how the taint’s madness works and also about the vulnerability particularly to channelers, and this is confirmed by Sheriam. Even if the events of the third trip are just Egwene’s mind reeling from what she has learned, either the ter’angreal is showing her a possible true future or it is deliberately passing her this information for some reason.
Since we don’t know what the device was originally for, it’s possible that the ter’angreal might be designed to convey information in such a way. I speculated, back when Rand and the others lived those alternate lives with the Portal Stone, that perhaps things they experienced in those moments would inform their decisions in their actual lives; perhaps the ancient Aes Sedai built some kind of device that would let them try out scenarios, or live little bits of possible future events in order to prepare themselves for what’s to come. It’s already easy to see that what Egwene has learned about turning channelers and the significance of the number thirteen is going to be important and useful to her one day, even if she never ends up in the exact same scenarios that the ter’angreal showed her. Perhaps she’ll also be forewarned about Beldeine, if she turns out to be someone who really enters Egwene’s life. Perhaps, also, she’ll be prepared for Elaida to turn on her.
Granted, it’s not like Elaida hasn’t made her dislike for Egwene very obvious, so Egwene doesn’t really need the warning. But she did learn about Gyldan’s affiliation with the Black Ajah, so if she encounters that Aes Sedai in the real world she’ll be a step ahead. The question is whether or not Elaida is also Black Ajah. I’m still inclined to believe not, and it would certainly set us up for some real drama if Egwene knew that a close confident of Elaida’s was Black Ajah. It’s not like Elaida would believe Egwene’s word over a friend’s. Or perhaps anyone’s.
I did love that Perrin taught Egwene to throw a punch. I wonder if it’s something she learned from him back in the Two Rivers, or if it’s something he will show her in the future.
Alanna is an interesting question as well. I remember that Egwene was discomfited by Alanna’s interest in Perrin and especially in Rand, so it’s always possible she wanted to get closer to Egwene because of that interest. She might have heard what Egwene said about “leaving him” or something else, even the bit about turning, although Egwene had been speaking quietly and Sheriam had checked to see if anyone seemed to be listening. We do know that some Aes Sedai have tricks to listen in, after all.
As I’m going through all this, I feel like I’m still missing big important parts of what Egwene’s experiences mean, both for her and for the story going forward. It’s a bit like when a character reads or receives a prophecy—it’s peppered with things we recognize and references to clues we may have seen before, but we still can’t put everything together. Also, I realized that, while the ring was clearly affecting the words about “the way back” from coming through to Egwene and was also clearly affecting the doorway itself, I wasn’t sure if her disorientation was entirely due to the ring’s influence or not. Nynaeve also struggled with her third trip through the portal; she remembered on some level that what she was experiencing wasn’t real, and the details of her life with Lan were hazy. He even had to explain to her who their children were. Perhaps the mind adjusts in time to the affects of the ter’angreal, allowing one to retain your own memories? Would you, if you were to go through three more times, eventually be able to navigate it easily without actually being lost in the other version of yourself?
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Still, the ring is basically a device that helps one do a very fancy version of lucid dreaming, so perhaps it really was affecting Egwene’s immersion into the third arch’s reality. Still, I would guess that events unfolded more or less the way they would have if she had remembered things more fully. It’s not as though, even if she had been fully immersed, she would have chosen to let Rand be gentled.
But besides the larger mystery of Egwene’s possible futures and whether or not the ancient Aes Sedai would be horrified to see how the modern Aes Sedai are using the ter’angreal, there are a lot of interesting tidbits in this chapter. We now know the categories of all the Ajahs except Grey and Yellow. We’ve learned more about how gentling works—and therefore also how stilling works—which is something I’ve wondered about for a while. It seems likely that Egwene will in fact become the Amyrlin Seat one day, or at least have the opportunity to be. (Will she turn it down, knowing what might one day be asked of her?) We’ve also seen a little bit more of how channeling works; when Egwene is preparing to try to rescue Rand from the Traitor’s Court, she gathered the Power and then “separated skeins” and “directed flows.” This is the first time channeling has been described quite this way, as though saidar (and one assumes its the same with saidin) itself is made up of different threads that weave in different directions. Perhaps the five different aspects of channeling—Air, Water, Earth, Fire, and Spirit—are these different threads within the two halves? In any case, it’s interesting to have channeling described more complexly; I’m looking forward to learning more about it.
I’m also really curious to learn more about Sheriam. She is a fascinating character for me because I kind of hate most things about her office—the corporeal punishment aspect especially—and she is particularly dedicated to intense Aes Sedai hierarchy. But she also seems to have a great capacity for empathy and kindness, like how she is willing to admit both to Nynaeve and Egwene (and, one presumes, all other prospective Accepted) that she could not bring herself to take the trial on her first attempt. She truly does seem to care about those in her charge, and to want them to succeed.
I don’t know. Maybe she just seems extra kind and sympathetic in these chapters because of how nasty Elaida is being. I have a feeling she’s going to cause some real trouble for our heroines, and sooner rather than later.
Three more chapters next week, and one is a really fun chapter with Mat! I’m enjoyed that one more than his first two, and I think the recapping will a good time.
Sylas K Barrett always imagines the “smooth, ageless Aes Sedai look” to be something like how film actors look when they’re given that CGI de-aging treatment, and he wonders if a trick like that might be used on the character when the The Wheel of Time TV show comes out.
I think I’ve been picturing the ageless look to be something like a face botoxed eight ways from Sunday though without all the wealth/class/personality traits implied by a face with that much “enhancement.”
This is one of my favorite chapters – there’s a lot of meat to chew on here.
“can be lost as well as one” Won
“would not admit Elayne to the Court” Egwene
@3 – Fixed, thank you.
Next week is my very favorite scene in the entire series, when Mat has his // duel with Gawyn and Galad//. I’ve reread that scene countless times.
Describing the twisted ring ter’angreal as something that lets one “do a very a fancy version of lucid dreaming” leaves me eager to see what Sylas’ reaction to tel’aran’rhiod will actually be. Obviously, Sanderson takes off with it in ways that Jordan never really did (same thing with //gateways//), but it’s still such an intriguing and… just different concept from most things I’ve read in other books that I’d really like to get a fresh opinion on it.
The thirteen darkfriends channeling thing… that has to be one of the longest-simmering Chekov’s Guns in the entire series. It first gets brought up here, but we don’t actually see it in use until… //mention of Taim’s “private lessons” first comes up in the prologue to Winter’s Heart, but I don’t think we actually see the effects until Pevara’s thoughts on Mishraile in Knife of Dreams, and of course we don’t actually see it happening until Logain in A Memory of Light.//
Oh, and also: kind of funny that Sylas talks about whether Egwene will actually experience something like her vision of Rand going mad in a destroyed Caemlyn, since I’m relatively certain that, other than meeting Elayne in tel’aran’rhiod, she never actually goes to Caemlyn in the entire series other than the one time when everybody met there in Eye of the World.
The Arch didn’t give her any information she didn’t already know or feared. All that Rand said was that if they catch him they will turn him. This is something Egwene would likely fear, whether she knew it was possible or not. Sheriam is the one that told Eqwene about the thirteen and how it’s done. Now with that new information in here head the Arch uses that to construct the new scenario.
Giggling madly over the impossibility of Nynaeve’s future as Queen of Malkier.
One thing always bothered me in this chapter.
Egwene notes the ageless look that she bears when she see her reflection in the mirror but later admits to not having held the oath rod. We know that the ‘ageless’ look of current Aes Sedai is a direct consequence of the oath rod / binder and that other centenarian channelers, such as the female forsaken, kin and damane never develop the ‘ageless look’.
Is this just because of the ter’angreal and the clashing realities or is it some ‘early book weirdness’?
Whited out for avoidance of spoilers for those who haven’t read the whole series yet.
@9 – //It could be either one, but neither Egwene nor the Aes Sedai knew that the ageless look was a result of the Oath Rod at this time, they thought it was a result of channeling over a long time. It wasn’t until they met the Wise Ones, Windfinders, and finally the Kin that Egwene figured it out. Whether or not Jordan had that tidbit planned at this point we’ll probably never know, but my guess would be that he did. We’ve already seen Lanfear sneer about the AS “binding themselves like criminals” at this point, so we know that Jordan already had decided that the Aes Sedai weren’t using it for its original purpose.//
@9 & @10
The Aiel in book 2 trusted Verin because she had the look of the Wise Ones, despite later we know that Wise Ones do not have the ageless look. Unfortunately this is most likely a case of RJ changing his mind on what caused the ageless look.
I thought we were instructed last(?) week that spoilers don’t need to be whited out anymore? Just confirming.
I disagree. As Sylas pointed out, Egwene could not have known about being Turned. Specifically, Rand mentions a combination of Fades and Dreadlords being able to turn him. That is pretty specific, the needing of both.
Then there’s all the stuff in the third Test. Mentions of the Great Purge, tons of foreshadowing for upcoming events.
And during Nynaeve’s testing, she also gained specific knowledge, including about Sharina, whom she later meets in Salidar.
I’m with @11. This scene would have been an absolute perfect opportunity to seed hints about the Oath Rod if RJ had thought of it yet. My guess is that the Ageless look being an effect of the Oath Rod wasn’t invented until RJ needed a way to get Siuan out of Tar Valon in Book 4.
You are correct, sir. Some people are still choosing to do it for anyone else who hasn’t read the books yet.
I believe the Testing ter’angreal, like the ones in Rhiudean, create a pocket reality inside T’A’R. We know from Verin (just a chapter earlier) that the World of Dreams overlays the Worlds of If like a cross-hatch. I think the ter’angreal draws upon those Worlds of If to create a convincing reality within the World of Dreams, and then creates scenarios based on the testees own fears. So, some things being similar (and therefore giving hints about the future) are inevitable.
In Egwene’s case, we have two additional factors at play.
1) Egwene is a Dreamer
2) The Ring also provides access to T’A’R.
The resonance feedback most definitely came from the Ring, as Egwene surmises immediately. But I’ve often wondered if the accuracy of Egwene’s third (and second) testing came from that resonance, or from Egwene’s innate ability to perceive the future through T’A’R? I don’t think we can ever know for sure, unless its in Jordan’s notes somewhere.
Its also worth mentioning that for a long time, I was sure that Sheriam was turned through this method. I’m not completely happy with the way the Turning played out, and I wonder if Sanderson was maybe a bit more heavy handed with it than Jordan would have been.
MODS: In the paragraph that starts “Egwene’s memory is still giving her trouble…”, where it says “Rand could easily be stilled” it should be gentled rather than stilled.
@16 – Fixed, thanks.
The ter’angreal probably create dreamshards.
That was the word. Thanks. The pocket realities of T’A’R are called Dreamshards. What I was saying was that the ter’angreal might use the Worlds of If to create the Dreamshards.
I had forgotten how much worldbuilding Jordan sneaks into this sequence.
Don’t we find out about whether the Accepted ter’angreal leads to a “real” alternate future or just a dream when //Rand experiences the same Caemlyn scenario Egwene does and actually meets her?// For the life of me though I can’t remember if that was with the Portal Stones or //in Rhuidean//.
I kind of wish we had Elayne’s testing, though that might be too repetitive.
@22 –
Eh, there are already enough bathing scenes in the series, I think.
The third test also contains the first mention of Balefire, which would certainly not be something Egwene had heard of before.
I love the casual arrogance of the modern Aes Sedai; using Ter’angreal that they only have the slightest idea of the effects and none at all of the intended function. All the while scolding people for doing things other than the way they have been doing them for centuries.
I don’t think it’s arrogance. The White Tower paid for what knowledge is has on ter’angreals in blood. How many stories do we hear over the course of the series of sisters who burn themselves out, disappear, or otherwise die in horrible ways while studying ter’angreal? They keep most of them locked away in a dusty room that almost no one has access to because they DON’T know what they do. The ones they’ve figured out are only used for the purpose they’ve managed to tease out over millennia, and often at great personal [and personnel] expense.
I don’t know what an “ageless” look is either, because I’m too visually-impaired to see the details of peoples’ faces except at very close range. If I (or a camera, or my vision-through-binoculars) is close enough to see a lot of wrinkles, I can get that a person is probably relatively old. If I can’t see wrinkles or they aren’t there, I can’t make that guess. I judge by more prominent features like hair and voice, but those can be unreliable — I’ve thought many a woman with dyed (or naturally non-graying) hair was much younger than she truly was. I’ve never seen an Aes Sedai, of course,* and I don’t know how artificially “de-aged” or “preserved” features look different from the young features they emulate.
*Probably. You never know. :-p
@13 I think part of the purpose, or at least part of the effect of the Ter’ angreal is to create believable scenarios or worlds – in every instance the supergirls start with a moment of disorientation, and then they all slide right into the scenario as presented. But they are never given scenarios that outright contradict the rules of the universe as they know them – no one defies gravity. No zombies or invented monsters that don’t already exist within the world. Sure, Camelyn isn’t currently burning, and Malkier is currently buried in the blight, but those are real places and imaginable scenarios.
If the Ter’Angreal were to show stilled Aes’sedai as having lost their faces, or Egwene to have never gotten the ageless face, that would contradict reality as Egwene knows it in a way that might break the ‘reality’ of the scenario – break the suspension of disbelief, and then make it easier for the person to break free without making a choice or testing their will.
As for the new information… it could be that the information is new, and it could be that the ter’angreal is just doing its job and showing the applicants their fears. Given Egwene’s feelings about captivity, Rand, the Shadow, its not surprising that a plausible fear is that the shadow can turn people against their will. Egwene doesn’t know it to be true, or that it takes 13 dreadlords until Sheriam tells her. But I think she does know it takes 13 Aes sedai to gentle a man.
That being said, it doesn’t sound unreasonable to me that since the ter’angeral is linked to T’A’R its getting information from there, or even information from others who have passed through it before to build its scenarios, as a counterpoint to my above point!
@@@@@ 21
I think you are thinking about the end of //tFoH when Rand fights Rahvin in T’A’R in Caemlyn. But that was Nynaeve with a captured Mogy that came and met Rand during that fight. There is a little damage to Caemlyn in that fight, but all the Balefire fight was after Rand and Rahvin went into the dream world. The actual fall and destruction of Caemlyn comes at the end of ToM/AMoL.// Rand and Egwene never went to the city then. In one of the lives Rand led in the Portal Stone, he saw Elayne from afar when he lived the life of a soldier in Caemlyn, but Egwene wasn’t in that life. He also never saw her in //Rhuidean. That took him though the past of the Aiel.//
If you really want to bring the Worlds of If into it, what if each thing she learned in the ter’angreal led her to depart the testing in a slightly different world with slightly different rules? Maybe in her original dimension you could only be Turned by thirteen Darkfriends channeling into pieces of fruit.
/sarcasm, ok?/
When Egwene comes out of the ter’angreal the second time she clearly says :
“He said they could turn him to the Shadow,” Egwene mumbled. “He said the Myrddraal and the Dreadlords could force him.” Sheriam missed a step, and looked around quickly.
How come Sheriam doesn’t react to the “He”. Isn’t this a big //clue that she already knows who ‘He’ is and that in turn this implicates her of being Black//?
@31 – the ‘he’ seems pretty clearly to be Rand in this case, so I’m not sure why that would be surprising. And even from Sheriam’s perspective (I don’t recall if she knows about Rand or that he can channel, but it’s not unreasonable to think she at least knows of him and that he’s tied up into this), the he could basically be anybody.
“Nynaeve saw a version of the future that could not possibly be real, given that we know Malkier is gone”
When the bore is resealed the blight disappears. There is no reason Malkier could not be rebuilt. It’s probably one of the most possible and possibly accurate futures any of them see.
I think it’s kinda sad how all of Egwene’s visions are about Rand. I mean, Nynaeve at least had other stuff going on before that Lan future.
And I’ve always wondered about Elayne’s test. I think Rand would be featured there as well, but probably not as heavily
I think this sequence, and Nyaneve’s test as well, is what made me fall in love with these books forever. I just loved all the world-building, personal trials of main characters, fascinating interplay with what might have been and what is, probable foreshadowing to chew on w/ endless speculation, and political intrigue among Aes Sedai happening here. This is the kind of thing only Robert Jordan could create as beautifully and richly as he did. It’s like the essence of WOT.
I wonder if at this point in his writing, his plans for Sheriam were known, or if that came later.
I do think this *was* meant to foreshadow for later 13×13 stuff, RJ was just that kind of a subtle foreshadow-er, in his case maybe it was *too* subtle as he fell victim to the series sprawl issue before he could effectively deliver less subtle foreshadowing on the matter. Longest simmering Chekov’s Gun ever, indeed. (Ooh, Tor should do one of their “five books about” posts featuring the best/longest/most cleverly delivered Chekov’s Guns…)
I was curious at the time for Elayne’s tests as well, and I still am to an extent, but haha at the comment above about not needing any more bath scenes! The Daughter-Heir is a character I both love, and get kinda tired of (and I guess Eg and Nyn, Mat and Thom would probably agree with me there, haha) I’d actually have rather had more of that part of Elyane’s story and less the parts we actually got. But I do think by that point it would have been pretty repetitive, even for WOT.
I think the point was that Sheriam didn’t react to Egwene worrying about a male friend who can channel. The context of the statement gives away that the person in question is a “he” who can channel. Since the whole point of the testing ter’angreal is that is forms realistic scenarios based on your own fears, it seems likely that Sheriam might want to know who this “he” was, so they can see if there is a male channeler running around who needs gentled.
Now, it could just be that convention dictates you don’t ask anyone about their testing, so she didn’t, but Egwene was volunteering information at the time. It struck me as suspicious as well.
But the Seven Towers are broken–literally, not just metaphorically–and would require years, if not decades to rebuild. And, of course, Sylas has no way of knowing that the Blight would recede, and is not permanent. We’ve only seen it grow, like any other blighted lands.
I’ve always liked how Rand’s experiences, even though he wasn’t formally trained, were paralleling Egwene’s experiences in the Tower, and elsewhere. Rand’s Portal Stone journey is very, very similar to the testing ter’angreal. Both of them were captured, and tortured. I’m sure there’s a lot more as well. Dealing with political allies who want to kill you. Bringing monarchs to heel.
@38 Nexue’s excellent read-through of the WOT has a lot of great stuff to say on the parallels between their stories.
@36 – for some reason I was thinking the Tower and Sheriam knew about Rand already, but maybe not (especially as that is part of Elaida’s later grievance if I recall).
That said I think it is VERY likely they never speak of what goes on. In fact, they outright state that.
@33, @37
It’s clear in tEotW chapter 53 that the Blight has weakened after Rand’s confrontation with Ba’alzamon. In fact Rand thinks that the Seven Towers even seem taller now! (probably just his imagination on that front). It’s true though that as far as I know it’s not until tSR that the Blight actually recedes two miles.
All that said, when I first read these chapters I remember thinking it was possible for Malkier to be restored.
Lisamarie @40: Remember from TSR, Siuan was waiting to tell the rest of the Aes Sedai that Rand had taken Callandor and they had someone (Moiraine) close by; once he had taken Callandor, no one (reasonable) could possibly argue whether or not he was the true Dragon. (They’d find other things to argue about, of course, but not that!)
Something occurred to me when I reread Egwene’s testing. I always thought that when the phrase “The way back will come but once. Be steadfast.” echoes in the candidate’s mind, it’s a memory of what Sheriam said just before they went in. I think I was wrong in that. The voice sounds neither male nor female to Egwene, and the words get garbled when the ter’angreal malfunctions. I think now that the phrase comes from the ter’angreal itself, and the Aes Sedai have incorporated it in the ceremony. Thus Sheriam actually quotes the ter’angreal.
That answers a question I had: How do they know that the way back will come but once? Have there been many people who have entered the ter’angreal saying “I will return the second time the arch appears”, and then never been seen again? Answer: The ter’angreal told them.
Apparenty the ter’angreal adapts to the candidate’s native language, as the phrase is not spoken in the Old Tounge. It’s not just a recorded sound clip.
On another note, I would like to ask Alanna why the Battle Ajah “stands ready” in Tar Valon instead of battling trollocks in the Borderlands.
@43 – In Eye of the World and The Great Hunt both, there are mentions of Warders who watch the border of the Borderlands and guard places like Tarwin’s Gap. Aes Sedai are held in high esteem in Fal Dara, for example, and it seems like they’re not unfamiliar with them at all.
Could the stilled Keeper really channel the TP? Doesn’t that require being able to channel the OP?
It makes sense that Egwene’s scenarios would center on Rand. He has been part of her life and her plans and dreams for the future since she was a little girl. It wasn’t an unhealthy obsession, she had other interests and hopes too, specifically becoming a Wisdom. The first scenario represents her saying a painful farewell to that long treasured dream of marriage and family with Rand.
She understands she’s lost Rand as a romantic partner but she hasn’t stopped caring about him and she is desperately worried about what will become of him, her deepest fear comes out in the final scenario, that being AEs Sedai will put her on the opposite side to Rand and she will have to choose between him and the Tower. Note she chooses Rand.
@Jencendiary (#44): And yet not a single Aes Sedai rode with the soldiers from Fal Dara to Tarwin’s Gap. Agelmar begged Moiraine to come, saying that a single Aes Sedai could change the outcome. I’m sure there is at least one Aes Sedai in Fal Moran. They always send advisors to every king and queen who will accept them. But Fal Dara, so close to Tarwin’s Gap, would be one of the best places to station a squad of Battle Ajah warriors, and yet there wasn’t a single Aes Sedai in the castle before Moiraine arrived. And where was the White Tower when Malkier died, again?
@43 Politics. An Ajah that spends most of its time out in the Borderlands would lose power and influence. I wouldn’t be surprised if the real Battle Ajah died on the frontlines during the Trolloc Wars. Only the REMFs survived.
@noblehunter (#48): Of course they are in Tar Valon for Tower politics, but is that what they would say if someone asked? Would they be able to continue claiming to stand ready while also giving a plausible explanation for why they need to spend most of their time in Tar Valon?
If the experiences in the ter’angreal are really for past, present, and future, what would happen if you go in more than 3 times? Does it matter which arch you enter when or are the different arches for different times? If so, would entering the same arch again lead to the same scenario or a different one?
@47 and @48
Towards the end of New Spring, Moiraine tells Lan that over a hundred Aes Sedai were ordered to the defence of Malkier when it fell, but they were unable to reach it in time. The Tower believed it
“better that the Tower be thought to have done nothing than to have it known Aes Sedai had tried and failed.”
Some readers form a low opinion of the Aes Sedai for what seems like woeful unpreparedness in the face of Tarmon Gai’don. It is perfectly understandable, though, that an organisation waiting 3,000 years for the fulfillment of a prophecy might lose much of its focus over such a long period. (Even if its members enjoy a longer than normal life expectancy.)
However, it does seem odd that a group dedicated to fighting the cause of Light would not have a presence in the one area where the forces of Dark are a regular threat. (The same charge could be levelled against the Whitecloaks.)
The argument that the reason for such a lack is because the Green Ajah, who would be the logical choice for such a task, fears losing influence if its members are away from Tar Valon doesn’t seem entirely credible. Again in New Spring, Moiraine reflects that members of the Green Ajah
“fought for justice where it often could be obtained only through their Warders’ swords, but that was just what they did while they waited on Tarmon Gai’don.”
This and her other musings imply that many of them actually spent a great deal of time out of the Tower.
There doesn’t seem to be any satisfactory explanation for their lack of involvement in the day-to-day struggles of the Borderlanders – unless it is the influence of the Black Ajah.
Because they stand ready to counter Dreadlords in the Last Battle. There aren’t any Dreadlords fighting on the Border of the Blight.
Advisors are Greys and Whites usually. Not Greens. And again, they exist to counter Dreadlords. The Blight has successfully been defended by the men of the Borderlands for 2000 years. Why, again, would they station Green Ajah there?
Malkier died due to betrayal from the inside. They wouldn’t have otherwise. And Aes Sedai can’t channel. There are less than 1000 of them, and most of them are useless in a fight.
How many Green Aes Sedai are there, total? There are less than 1000 Aes Sedai when the story begins, and 7 Ajahs. We aren’t given the distribution amongst Ajahs, but it seems pretty even. So, less than 150 total Green Aes Sedai. In a world where it takes weeks to travel from place to place. Even traveling along the border of the Blight takes weeks. Tarwin’s Gap is only one place among many where Trollocs can get in from the Blight. We are told that raids happen along all four Borderland country, which means there are many ways in and out. Maybe hundreds. Tarwin’s Gap is a well defended, defensible place. Its also as far away from the other places Aes Sedai would be needed along the Borderlands as is possible.
EDIT: Because I’m an idiot and initially said there were 12 Ajahs.
Anthony Pero @@@@@ 52
Overall I agree with your post but what is it with the 12 ajahs? Am I being really dense… but I can think of 7 or so
Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, Brown, White, Gray…. Black… and everyone’s favorite super unofficial Purple
So, for the purpose/context of the discussion at hand, seven ajahs it is.
Yeah, I’m an idiot. I’m thinking Aiel tribes and other things in twelve. 7 Ajahs. I updated the post, and the math, to reflect.
AS can use the OP against Shadowspawn. That is no excuse for not fighting in the Blight. And Greens have many Warders who are good fighters.
Yes, AS can use the OP as a weapon against shadowspawn. Assuming they’ve studied how to do so. Which only the Blues, Greens and Reds spend any time doing. Some of the Blues. Most of the Reds.
There’s also the fact that regardless of skill with the OP, most people aren’t cut out to fight period. Aes Sedai would be no exception. Most people can’t make decisions under that particular kind of pressure. We can assume that a larger number of Aes Sedai could since they go through a lot of testing, but still, most of them would have no taste or desire to do so.
And yet when Tarmon Gaidon FINALLY comes, eleven books on, the entire Tower turns out and give quite a good account of themselves
AnthonyPero: It’s definitely not equally-distributed. The Red is the largest and the White the smallest; IIRC, Green is the second-largest. At any rate, I would think certainly less than 200 Greens.
And many of them stay back with the tents. And a lot of the ones who aren’t are likely in circles playing the role of batteries for an Aes Sedai who is better equipped to do damage. In any other situation than the End Times, do you really think its appropriate to use people this way? As batteries with no agency, no freedom to do what they think is best, no autonomy?
We’re not really told by how much though. The White could be the smallest by 50 sisters, and the Red by 20. If it was skewed much more than that, I’d think the Hall wouldn’t have equal representation. The Aes Sedai are an inherently political organization. There’s no way that in the 2000 years since the Trolloc Wars — especially if there was an imbalance — that they wouldn’t have developed a more representative branch of their body. That’s how politics work.
@61, provided said batteries freely assent to being so used I don’t have a problem with it. Neither as far as I can recall do any AS or Asha’man for that matter. Everybody seems to see circles as a great idea. And the experience of being in one is far from unpleasant according to pov accounts. For a weak channeler it is an opportunity to make a real contribution to an important working or their own defence and that naturally appeals.
On the Green Ajah on the blight border: We know many sisters aren’t in the tower at any given point. We know that a good chunk of them are off pursuing missions, often independently (e.g. Moraine, Verin, //Cadsuane//). It’s entirely possible that most of the Greens we see in the tower are either leadership, like the sitters, who need to be in the tower, and otherwise resting/rotating through (or pursuing goals that make sense in the tower, like playing politics). The sisters outside the tower could very well be off fighting on the border, standing to defend borderland towns, etc. From Lan we know warders get experience in the blight; presumably many of them are traveling there with Green sisters.
All this is a hypothetical defense; Agelmar’s comments before the battle of Tarwin’s gap is reasonably damning but doesn’t conclusively prove there aren’t a bunch of green sisters working to defend Shinear and the other borderlands. Just that we can’t judge the whole Ajah just by the members we see in Tar Valon, //or after they’ve been gathered in by countervailing commands from Elaida/Salidar//.